ALP Media Policies
ALP Media takes safety seriously. We protect our students, our staff and our visitors in order to mitigate any potential problems. This theme runs across all ALP Schools.
Any new student attending an ALP School first receives a copy of our ‘Safe Internet use guidance for students’ policy and completes an Internet User Agreement form. The purpose of this is to briefly outline the dangers of the internet and ensure the student is aware of school requirements from day 1.
For the students to then have the use of media equipment and take part in any media work or broadcasting of any kind they then complete our ALP Media consent form with the help of a parent or carer. This ensures their legal guardian is aware of the activities they are taking part in and confirms they are happy for them to do so.
Additional Reading
The Media team also work in accordance with a whole host of additional policies, the most important of which have been included here for you to read should you wish to do so which includes our Safeguarding Policy and Complaints Policy.